Raw and Clusters
Raw and clustered crystals showcase the natural beauty of minerals in their...
Red Hematoid or Fire Quartz
Fire Quartz, also known as Hematoid Quartz, is a captivating variety of...
Rhodochrosite pieces, eggs
Rose, Strawberry and Tanzberry Quartz
Rose Quartz. Points, towers, bowls, Double terminated points, spheres
Sale Crystals and Decor
Beautiful Crystals at a Special Sale price just for you
Selenite and Satin Spar
Satin Spar and Selenite are both varieties of gypsum, a soft sulfate...
Sepatarian/Dragons Stone
Spheres, Eggs, towers, hearts
Shattuckite is a mix of Azurite, Chrysocolla, Malachite, and sometimes Copper (Cuperite)...
Stichtite and Atlantisite
Atlantisite, a captivating gemstone, is a combination of Stichtite, a rare magnesium...
Tigers Eye, Tigers Stone
Blue Tigers Eye, Gold Tigers Eye, spheres, towers palms
Spheres, Freeform, towers, double terminated point, black, pink
Towers and Points
Towers and Points and Obelisks.
Tremolite, Green
Tremolite is a white, gray, or green mineral belonging to the amphibole...
Unicorns and Horses
Carved, gemstone, crystal